Men's blogDoes Frequent Sex Increase Testosterone Levels?

Does Frequent Sex Increase Testosterone Levels?

Does frequent sex increase testosterone?” It’s a question that stirs curiosity among medical researchers, puzzles health professionals, and can leave the average person quite perplexed.

This topic has surfaced in various settings—fitness forums, casual chats with friends at the gym, or during discussions in a pub. If you’ve ever pondered, “Does frequent sex increase testosterone?” you’re in good company.

In this guide, we’ll explore the scientific evidence, the links, and look at some of the benefits to shed light on the complex relationship between regular sexual activity and testosterone levels.

Does Frequent Sex Increase Testosterone?

So is it clear that regular sex increases testosterone?

Not really. To grasp what’s really going on, let’s learn through the scientific research below.

In a study from 2003, researchers looked at the testosterone levels in 28 volunteers during periods of abstinence following ejaculation. What they discovered was intriguing: in the days immediately after ejaculation, hormone levels didn’t change much. However, by the seventh day, serum testosterone levels soared to nearly 150 percent of the baseline levels.

These fluctuations weren’t permanent, nor did they have a significant long-term impact. Yet, they did highlight a crucial point: testosterone levels might be more affected by a lack of sexual activity than by sex itself.

Adding more layers to the puzzle, let’s examine a study from 1993 involving 60 men. This research aimed to understand the relationship between testosterone levels and sexual activity across different age groups and marital statuses.

Surprisingly, the findings suggested that there’s no direct connection between testosterone levels and sexual activity. In simpler terms, individuals with higher testosterone levels don’t necessarily engage in more or less sexual activity.

Does Frequent Sex Increase Testosterone Levels
Does Frequent Sex Increase Testosterone?

The Relationship Between Sex and Testosterone

Numerous studies have attempted to uncover a connection between testosterone levels and human sexual activity, yielding varying results.

In one study involving 60 participants, no evidence suggested a correlation between testosterone levels and sexual activity.

Another study focused on male sexual arousal. Nine healthy men watched two different films—a neutral movie and an erotic one. Following the viewing of the erotic film, testosterone levels spiked in the males, rising from 640 ng/dL to 727 ng/dL within 10 minutes.

This study demonstrated a link between sexual arousal and short-term testosterone levels. However, testosterone levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day, and the study didn’t provide evidence regarding whether arousal can affect testosterone levels in the long term.

In a separate study comparing two groups of men—those who watched and those who actively participated in a sex club in the United States—it was observed that salivary testosterone levels increased by 36% in men who watched, while those who participated experienced a 76% increase.

This indicates that engaging in sexual activity leads to higher testosterone levels compared to merely being visually stimulated. Furthermore, a study from 2010 criticized previous research with mixed results, attributing inconsistencies to unnatural lab settings and invasive blood collection techniques.

Does Frequent Sex Increase Testosterone Levels
The Relationship Between Sex and Testosterone

10 Benefits of Regular Sex

Regular sex offers a multitude of benefits for both physical and psychological well-being. Some of the key benefits include:

Reduce Stress

Engaging in satisfying sexual activity provides a whole-body massage effect, promoting deep relaxation and reducing stress.

This relaxation can also alleviate various health issues such as pain, asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and arthritis

Support Cardiovascular Health

Regular sexual activity benefits heart health by increasing heart rate and maintaining balanced estrogen and testosterone levels.

This balance is crucial for preventing conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease. Research indicates that men who engage in sex at least twice a week are half as likely to die from heart disease compared to those who have infrequent sex.

Increased Longevity

Immune enhancement, deep relaxation, lower blood pressure, and reduced risks of prostate cancer and heart attacks are associated with a longer lifespan.

Studies suggest that regular sexual activity may contribute to extended life expectancy.

Does Frequent Sex Increase Testosterone Levels
Increased Longevity


Sex has been linked to lower systolic blood pressure readings, potentially reducing the risk of serious cardiovascular complications.

Improve Immunity

Regular sexual activity may boost the immune system, reducing the frequency of illnesses.

However, maintaining overall health through proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, and regular health check-ups is essential. Condom usage is advised if STI status is unknown.

Pain Relief

Orgasm and sexual stimulation can block pain by releasing hormones that raise the pain threshold.

Vaginal stimulation has been shown to alleviate chronic pain conditions such as back and leg pain, menstrual cramps, arthritis, and headaches.

Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Men who ejaculate frequently, whether through sexual intercourse, nocturnal emissions, or masturbation, have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Improve Sleep

After orgasm, the hormone prolactin is released, promoting relaxation and inducing sleep. This can lead to faster and deeper sleep after sexual activity.

Does Frequent Sex Increase Testosterone Levels
Improve Sleep

Enhance Brain Power

Some studies suggest that regular sex positively impacts women’s memory, potentially due to stimulation of the hippocampus—an area of the brain involved in learning and memory.

Enhance Self-esteem

Regular sexual activity is associated with various health benefits, including stress reduction, improved sleep, pain relief, and potential protection against health conditions like prostate cancer.

These benefits can contribute to increased self-esteem and overall emotional well-being.


Sexual activity is a crucial component of life and overall well-being. Within relationships, the role of orgasms extends beyond pleasure, significantly contributing to emotional bonding. The act of having sex can bring about numerous physical and emotional advantages, including a lowered risk of heart disease and a boost in self-esteem, among other benefits.

Interestingly, it’s possible to reap similar rewards through activities unrelated to sex. Engaging in pleasurable pursuits such as exercise, spending time with pets, and cultivating strong friendships can also improve one’s quality of life, suggesting that sex isn’t the sole avenue for achieving such benefits.

However, incorporating sex into your life, whether driven by relational commitment or personal desire, holds its unique value. Effective communication and the attainment of sexual satisfaction are pivotal. In this context, exploring the query “Does frequent sex increase testosterone?” becomes relevant. Engaging in regular sexual activity could not only offer relief but also enhance happiness, underlining the importance of considering its role in your life.

Be sure to explore more insightful blogs from Sure Life Health, where we continue to shed light on the latest trends and breakthroughs in health and wellness.

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